State of the Station 9/16/21

Welcome to Fredonia Radio System's first ever State of the Station, a blog series we will be writing to keep transparency between what the E-Board is planning and the General Body, as well as general information regarding happenings in FRS. Updates to this series will come irregularly, though we plan at the very least one update a month.
Late Night Game Night: We have finalized the plans for our very first Lock-In of the semester, a classic game night! With our newly acquired Switch for the station, we are going to be playing games like Jackbox, MarioKart & Smash Bros on the big screen in McEwen 202. We will also have board games in stock for those that prefer them. We are planning on having snacks as well, namely popcorn! If a late night game night with the FRS family interests you, head to McEwen 202 @ 8pm on Friday Sept. 24th!
Halloween Lock-In: In the coming weeks we will be planning out our annual Halloween Lock-In. While no ideas have been finalized yet, we are looking into the possibility of having a scavenger hunt and a costume contest. Once plans have been finalized, you'll hear about it first on State of the Station.
Rockin' Skate: We have decided to switch our fundraising events this year due to the construction in Barker Commons. As such, Rockin' Skate will be happening Fall semester this year, date and time still to be decided. Rockin' the Commons will be happening in the Spring Semester in April.
That wraps up our first State of the Station! Keep your eyes out for more of these in the future, an if you have any questions, comments or concerns don't be afraid to email!