Happy Thanksgiving!
From all of us here at Fredonia Radio Systems, we wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

Show Spotlight: Positively Peachy
If you find yourself relaxing in your dorm or apartment on a Friday night, Positively Peachy might just be the show for you! The adorable...

"Pot Luck-In" 2016!
Last night, we had our second annual “Pot Luck-In” at the station, where we all came together to share and eat in a Thanksgiving fashion....

REGINA SPEKTOR: Born in the Soviet Union, Spektor began her career as a singer-songwriter and pianist when she began classical training...

Show Spotlight: Gargle & Rinse
Looking for a mix of genres and catchy songs? Tune into Gargle and Rinse with host Harper Horton! The fifth year Audio/Radio production...

2016 Election Results Watch Party
We will be doing a live broadcast from the Williams Center MPR from 9pm to 1am! Stop by, or tune in at WCVF or WDVL!

STEP ROCKETS: Back at the number one spot on the TOP 5, Step Rockets have developed a reputation as one of the most exciting new live...

FRS's 24 Hour Radiothon!
Today at 5pm, the 24 Hour Radiothon begins! You can tune in at fredoniaradio.com until 5pm tomorrow to hear non-stop music from our DJs....

College Radio Day Spotlight
“Being able to explore new music everyday, play what you want, and express creativity is what I like about college radio. I also love...

College Radio Day Spotlight:
“Being a part of college radio has given me so many opportunities and a group of awesome friends.”